Driving to a vacation destination in your family’s RV is one of the most cost effective ways to travel. But even so, budgeting before a trip can help you make the most out of it. Let’s discuss a few tips to set you on the right track as you plan your next RV trip.
Route and gas: By planning your route before hitting the road, you can estimate your mileage and how much gas you’ll need along the way. And since gas is one of the main expenses on an RV trip, it’s smart to budget around this necessity. Another perk of planning your route is that it reduces the chance that you’ll get lost and need to backtrack, which would burn more gas. 
Overnight stops: When planning your route, look for RV parks and campgrounds where you can stop along the way. Research your options because prices can vary widely. The best way to plan in advance is to ask for pricing, fit it into your budget and make your reservations early to ensure there’s space for you when you arrive.
Groceries: Buy all your staple food items—canned goods, spices and other non-perishables—before you leave. This will allow you to take advantage of sales and coupons that you’re familiar with. You can pick up fresh produce, meats and other perishable items along the way. Make sure you budget for a few meals out as well so you can enjoy the various local restaurants.
Activities: Though there are plenty of free sightseeing activities your family can enjoy, be sure to set aside money so you can visit national parks, rent kayaks, do some shopping and participate in other fun activities during your vacation.
Before heading out, review your RV insurance policy with your agent to ensure that your vehicle and family are protected from any mishaps that may occur on the road.
We’ve got you covered. Call Mark Twain Insurance Services at 800-350-7700 for more information on RV insurance.